Friday, September 17, 2010

If you're shopping for a netbook and you're not sure which type you want to leave, I will be glad you dreams through a selection process that your review to hear from you, the netbook. I am a recent convert Netbook, and you will not believe As I did this little piece of technology with 2.5 kilos. I must say that it blows my mind yet.

Anyway, let's go to the point. Why do you want to be with your laptop? Youfor school, for business, travel or personal use? Although the netbook was originally just what the name implies, has a notebook to surf the web, advances in processor technology and board, who have a force in itself.

If you have one machine to surf the Internet, therefore, any netbook out there we will do the trick. You can easily circumvent the $ 200 range, and remain exactly what you want. A good starting point would be the 'Asus EEE series, or if you are looking for something a bit 'more research work of HP Mini well.

For business, you want to go, go to the area of upper end price netbooks. You are with us $ 400, but you get a powerful system that weighs just over three pounds less. Would you go with an Intel Atom, the higher the better, with an SSD drive, and as much RAM as you can get. Most systems on top of 2 GB of RAM.

ForStudents, the basic netbook is an inexpensive way for such a system is not only taking notes in class without being in it, is always connected to a network connection to your friends on social. Add that along with an always on hand, Internet browsers and email, and away you go.

For travel, nothing beats 7 and 8-inch netbook. These babies are so small and light enough to slide into a purse or bag, and you can carry around with himeverywhere. This is useful if you tips on where to eat, or what to do on vacation or traveling. In addition to these 15 or 17 inch laptop to take with you, and you do not even need a special bag for this.

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